To ask question is the toughest but easiest thing to do. Asking the right question can make the difference when solving a problem. What does it take to ask a question? Let’s take a look at this. This question ia an prime example of “write this code for me”. If you can’t even begin to code what you are trying to do you really shouldn’t be asking questions. This also shows how much effort he put in to figuring it out prior to ask, basically zero. It’s very easy to understand how arrays work just by reading a documentation for the language as one of the answers provide for the asker. This questions waste everyone’s time since it’s a very basic task that the asker could have solved himself but decided not to. To this we call this person a “loser” and shouldn’t be asking for such help if they don’t bother to help themselves.
Now here’s another question.
It sounds like simple question just like the other but what’s different here is the work put in. This asker actually tried to solve the problem himself by trying something obvious but not even that worked and it gives him an error. This shows he actually has knowledge about the language he’s using or program. He even states that he can use another solution but he thought it was too primitive and wanted a better way of solving the problem. This will also peak other’s intrest since the obvious thing to do wa actually not the answer so it makes reviewers actually think or figure out how to fix his simple issue. This is what we call here a “winner” someone who actually tried to figure out on their own and pass his simple problem to others that are also facing a similar problem.